Beyond Pain©

An Evidence-Based and Multilingual Biopsychosocial Pain Science Training and Treatment Manual©

DIGNITY – Danish Institute Against Torture and ACR – The American Center for Rehabilitation are excited to share in a free and open source format Beyond Pain – An Evidence-Based and Multilingual Biopsychosocial Pain Science Training and Treatment Manual©Beyond Pain© is a pain science training and treatment manual available in English, Kurdish Sorani, and Arabic. It is designed to support healthcare professionals, especially physiotherapists and those working with persons in or from the Middle East Region, to deliver biopsychosocial care to persons with persistent pain including survivors of psychological trauma.

If you are a healthcare professional, you could read Beyond Pain© in order to enhance your knowledge and skills. You may also consider using it to train others. As with any training, it is best when conducted by a trained expert and when adapted to the specific context. If you would like additional support in delivering trainings or using Beyond Pain©, please contact the primary author:

Beyond Pain©– Part One – English

Presented by Dr. April Gamble PT, DPT, CLT

This video presents Part One of Beyond Pain©. This lecture is designed to be used as a learning resource. It accompanies the text and slides of Part One of this training and treatment manual.

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